Never underestimate the power of a hobby, never let go of your passion for a dream.
I started tinkering with a personal computer in fourth grade, back in the days of PC DOS, WordStar, NewsMaster and PrintMaster; when the Internet was the world of lynx, pine, gopher and telnet. Computers and applications have come a long way since then, but my passion for all things computerese stayed the same, if not kept growing through the years.
My venture into aesthetic coding was born out of a desire to keep coming up with simple and fresh yet relevant and meaningful applications and designs that bring out the best of my creativity. The name, "Byromedia" subtly alludes to all this - Media by Rom.
Methods and media may have changed through time, but I have and will continue to remain faithful to my programming and design philosophy of simplicity and excellence; and I may still have a lot to learn, but getting to discover various ways of how God's creativity got imaged in me and all of us keeps me amazed and always looking out for the next moment of inspiration, the next epiphany, my next creation.
Never underestimate the power of a hobby, never let go of your passion for a dream.